Monday, April 9, 2012

Glass Bottle Candles

Materials - Wine bottle, glass cutter, candle, sandpaper, base (if cut is very even), tea candle.

Step 1 - Cut the wine bottle in half using a method of scoring, using a candle to heat the score, then using cold water to thermally shock the glass into completing a (somewhat) nice cut.

Step 2 - Sand the top part of the bottle down by placing the rough end on the sandpaper and turning in small circles. It doesn't need to be the smoothest thing on earth, but it needs to smooth enough to not cut you.

Step 3 - If there aren't any chips on the bottom that could let air in, you might need to build a base. You could do this by bending a small amount of wire into a circle (for the candle) and four lines to balance the glass.

Step 4 - Insert a tea light in the center and light it. Now you have yourself, a candle that adds ambiance to any room.

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