Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Plastic Spoon Lamp

If you are the type of person that only eats off of plastic spoons or just someone that has access to a lot of plastic spoons, you might like this project. 

Materials - Clean, plastic 2 liter bottle, exact-o-knife, lots of plastic spoons, hot glue gun, wire cutters and lamp kit.

Step 1 - Gather your spoons and a large plastic bottle. You will need about 200 plastic spoons and one 2 liter bottle. If you ate off of the spoons, wash them.

Step 2 - Cut the handle of the spoons off so you only have the bowl and a small (about a cm) part of the handle.
Step 3 - Using an exact-o-knife, cut the bottom of the bottle off. Leave a small bit of the bottom for a nicer look

Step 4 - Starting at the bottom of the bottle, glue on the spoon bowls side to side. Do this until you make it the entire way around. Then, glue on the next level in the spaces between the first layer. Continue doing this layer after layer until you get to the top.

Step 5 - Now, drop you lamp kit through the top, attach to top of bottle and screw in your lightbulb. Make sure you keep the bottle from touching the bulb, otherwise, it will melt quickly. After this, you are done!

Depending on which type of bulb you use, you will get a different effect. I used a energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulb. This shows the 'grains' in the spoons which I really like. However, if you use an incandescent light bulb, it will have more of a draping effect and looks very nice.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Glass Bottle Candles

Materials - Wine bottle, glass cutter, candle, sandpaper, base (if cut is very even), tea candle.

Step 1 - Cut the wine bottle in half using a method of scoring, using a candle to heat the score, then using cold water to thermally shock the glass into completing a (somewhat) nice cut.

Step 2 - Sand the top part of the bottle down by placing the rough end on the sandpaper and turning in small circles. It doesn't need to be the smoothest thing on earth, but it needs to smooth enough to not cut you.

Step 3 - If there aren't any chips on the bottom that could let air in, you might need to build a base. You could do this by bending a small amount of wire into a circle (for the candle) and four lines to balance the glass.

Step 4 - Insert a tea light in the center and light it. Now you have yourself, a candle that adds ambiance to any room.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Plastic Bottle Terrarium

Plastic Bottle Terrarium 

I remember making one of these in 8th grade and thought it was fun. It is an environmentally friendly way to recycle your plastic bottles and grow plants. 

Materials - Bottle (plastic), thick rope (I used fabric), scissors, soil, and a seed. 

Step 1 - Cut the bottle in half.

Step 2 - Wash out the halves. 

Step 3 - Drill/poke a hole in the cap. This is where the string will go. 

Step 4 - Insert a thick string into the hole. Make sure it is a very snug fit and will not come out. Leave a couple of inches to dangle in the water.

Step 5 - Fill the top with soil and the bottom with water. Plant your seed and leave it in a spot where the sun will shine. Give it a while and your plant will sprout and start growing. Enjoy!